5.D Constrained 2D Optimization

Creating a Contour Plot for 2D Optimization

Here is some example code to create a plot of an objective function \(P(x,y) = x^{0.2} y^{0.8}\) and a constraint function \(Q(x,y)=4x + 3y=200\).

P = makeFun( x^(0.2) * y^(0.8) ~ x&y)
Q = makeFun( 4*x + 3*y ~ x&y)

contour_plot(P(x,y)~x&y, domain(x=0:40, y=20:80), 
             contours_at=seq(20,70,6), skip=0) |>
  contour_plot(Q(x,y) ~ x & y, contour_color="black", 
               contours_at=c(200), label_placement=.25)
## Scale for 'colour' is already present. Adding another scale for
## 'colour', which will replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'fill' is already present. Adding another scale for
## 'fill', which will replace the existing scale.


Constrained Production

A company produces \(P(x,y) = 100 x^{4/11} y^{7/11}\) units of its product from raw materials \(x\) and \(y\). The cost of each unit of \(x\) is $5 and the cost of each unit of \(y\) is $4.

  1. Find the maximal output for a budget of $500, along with how much input \(x\) and \(y\) is used to create them. (Hint: plot your contour diagram on the domain \(0 \leq x \leq 100\) and \(0 \leq y \leq 100\). Start with the default contours by removing the levels input.)

  2. What is the maximal output if the unit cost of \(x\) increases to $7? How much of inputs \(x\) and \(y\) are used?

  3. What is the maximal output if the unit cost of \(x\) returns to $5 and the budget is decreased to $300? How much of inputs \(x\) and \(y\) are used?

Constrained Optimization on a Circle

Below is a plot of an objective function \(f(x,y)\) in red, and its constraint function \(g(x,y)=4\) in blue.

  1. Estimate the minimum value of \(f(x,y)\) constrained to \(g(x,y)=4\). What point achieves this minimum?
  2. Estimate the maximum value of \(f(x,y)\) constrained to \(g(x,y)=4\). What point achieves this maximum?

Estimating the Lagrange Multiplier

Below is a plot of an objective function \(f(x,y)\) in red, and its constraint function \(g(x,y)\) for various budgets in blue (in thousands of dollars).

  1. Estimate the point \((x,y)\) that maximizes production for a budget of \(g(x,y)=15\). What is the production level?
  2. Estimate the point \((x,y)\) that maximizes production for a budget of \(g(x,y)=20\). What is the production level?
  3. What is the value of the Lagrange multiplier for the budget \(g(x,y)=15\)? What are the units? What does this number mean?
  4. What price would make this increase useful to the company? (Hint: the units for your answer are “dollars per unit produced.”)


Constrained Production

  1. Here is our plot of the objective function \(P(x,y)\) and the constraint \(Q(x,y) = 500\).
P = makeFun( x^(4/11) * y^(7/11) ~ x&y)
Q = makeFun( 5*x + 4*y ~ x&y)

contour_plot(P(x,y)~x&y, domain(x=0:100, y=0:100), skip=0) |> 
  contour_plot(Q(x,y) ~ x & y, contour_color="black", 
               contours_at=c(500), label_placement=.25)

The maximum output for our budget occurs where the \(Q(x,y)=500\) constraint is tangent to a contour of \(P(x,y)\). This occurs at (approximately) the point \((38,78)\) and we estimate that the maximum production is \(P(38,78)=60\).

  1. We need to make a new plot using an updated objective function.
P = makeFun( x^(4/11) * y^(7/11) ~ x&y)
Q = makeFun( 7*x + 4*y ~ x&y)

contour_plot(P(x,y)~x&y, domain(x=0:100, y=0:100), skip=0) |> 
  contour_plot(Q(x,y) ~ x & y, contour_color="black", 
               contours_at=c(500), label_placement=.25)

Now, the constraint isn’t tangent to any of the shown contours, but it IS tangent to a contour that we haven’t drawn! That point is somewhere around (25, 80), and the optimal productions probably around 52 or so. Let’s make another plot on a smaller domain and pick some contours to draw.

contour_plot(P(x,y)~x&y, domain(x=0:50, y=50:100), skip=0, 
             contours_at = seq(23,73,5)) |> 
  contour_plot(Q(x,y) ~ x & y, contour_color="black", 
               contours_at=c(500), label_placement=.25)

After some experimentation, I realized that \(P(x,y)=53\) is the contour that is tangent \(Q(x,y)=500\). So the optimal point is \((26,80)\) and the optimal output is 53.

  1. Now we return to the original constraint function, but decrease the budget to \(300\).
P = makeFun( x^(4/11) * y^(7/11) ~ x&y)
Q = makeFun( 7*x + 4*y ~ x&y)

contour_plot(P(x,y)~x&y, domain(x=0:50, y=25:75), skip=0) |> 
  contour_plot(Q(x,y) ~ x & y, contour_color="black", 
               contours_at=c(300), label_placement=.25)

The optimal point is at \((21,40)\) and the optimal production is approximately \(f(21,40)=32\).

Constrained Optimization on a Circle

  1. The minimum is approximately \(f(1.5, 1.5) = 20\).
  2. The maximum is approximately \(f(4.5, 4.5) = 210\).

Estimating the Lagrange Multiplier

  1. For a budget of 15, the maximal production is \(f(25,18)=250\).

  2. For a budget of 20, the maximal production is \(f(32,26)=360\).

  3. The Lagrange multiplier is \[ \lambda = \frac{\triangle \mbox{production}}{\triangle \mbox{constraint}} \approx \frac{360-250}{20-15}=\frac{110}{5}=22 \frac{\mbox{units}}{\mbox{dollar}} \] So if we increase our budget by $1, then we will produce 22 more units.

  4. The Lagrange multiplier is approximately \(22\) units/dollar. We will break even if we can sell one unit for \(1/22=0.045\) dollars/unit. So if the sale price is at least $0.045, we will decide to increase production.