Skip to main content\( \newcommand{\identity}{\mathrm{id}}
\definecolor{orange}{RGB}{255, 165, 0}
\definecolor{navy}{RGB}{30, 144, 255}
\definecolor{indigo}{RGB}{216, 191, 216}
\definecolor{lemon}{RGB}{255, 250, 205}
\definecolor{peru}{RGB}{205, 133, 63}
\definecolor{alizarin}{rgb}{0.82, 0.1, 0.26}
\definecolor{brightmaroon}{rgb}{0.76, 0.13, 0.28}
\definecolor{cardinal}{rgb}{0.77, 0.12, 0.23}
\definecolor{tuscanred}{rgb}{0.51, 0.21, 0.21}
\definecolor{steelBlue}{rgb}{0.27, 0.51, 0.71}
\definecolor{tyrianpurple}{rgb}{0.4, 0.01, 0.24}
\def\Z{\mathbb Z}
\def\R{\mathbb R}
\def\Q{\mathbb Q}
\def\N{\mathbb N}
\def\C{\mathbb C}
\def\cP{\mathcal P}
\def\cF{{\mathcal F}}
\def\cE{\mathcal E}
\def\cO{\mathcal O}
mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}}},postaction={decorate}}}
\newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb R}}
\def\nimsum{\, \oplus \,}
\def\cA{{\mathcal A}}
\def\cB{{\mathcal B}}
\def\cF{{\mathcal F}}
\def\cG{{\mathcal G}}
\def\cH{{\mathcal H}}
\def\cN{{\mathcal N}}
\def\cQ{{\mathcal Q}}
\def\cP{{\mathcal P}}
\def\W{{\mathbb W}}
\begin{scope}[shift={(.25, .4)}]
\draw (0,-.3) -- (#1,-.3) -- (#1+.45, .7) -- (#1+.45, 1);
\draw (0,0) -- (#1,0);
\draw (.45,1) -- (#1+.45,1);
\foreach \i in {0, ..., #1} {
\draw (\i, -.3) -- (\i, 0) -- (\i+.45,1);
\foreach \i in {1, ..., #1} {
\node[style={font=\sffamily\scriptsize}] at (\i - .5, -.15) {\i};
\draw[color=white, fill=white] (-.4, 0) -- (-.4, -.1) -- (.4,-.1) -- (.4,0) -- cycle;
\draw[thick, fill=white] (0,0) ellipse (0.4 and 0.10);
\draw[thick, fill=white] (.4,-.1) arc (0:-180:0.4 and 0.10);
\draw[thick] (0.4,0) -- (0.4, -.1);
\draw[thick] (-0.4,0) -- (-0.4, -.1);
\begin{scope}[shift={#1}, rotate={#2}]
\draw [very thick, fill=gray!50] plot [smooth cycle] coordinates {(-.2,0) (-.175, .07) (-.1,.1) (0,.075) (.1,.1) (.175, .07) (.2,0) (.15, -.07) (0,-.1) (-.15, -.07)};
\draw[very thick] (0,0) circle ({#2});
Chapter 1 Combinatorical Games