De Finetti Lattices and Magog Triangles

Published in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2021

A. Beveridge, I. Calaway and K. Heysse, De Finetti Lattices and Magog Triangles, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 28, No. 1, (2021), P1.38.

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Let $F$ be the collection of subsets of $[n]={1,2,…,n}$ of size at most 2 with the partial order rule $i<j$ implies ${i}≺{j}$ and ${i,k}≺{j,k}$. We show that the number of linear extensions of $F$ is counted by the strict sense ballot numbers. More surprisingly, we show that the number of partial orders so that all singletons are comparable with all doubletons is counted by the Robbins numbers. which is also the number of alternating sign matrices.