The Game of "Game of Thrones": Fractal Dramaturgy and Networked Concordances

Published in Narrative Ecosystems: Reading Contemporary Serial Television Universes, 2018

A. Beveridge and M. Chemers, The Game of "Game of Thrones": Fractal Dramaturgy and Networked Concordances, in: Narrative Ecosystems: Reading Contemporary Serial Television Universes (P. Brembilla and I. A. De Pascalis, Eds.), Rutledge Advances in Television Studies, 2018.

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This interdisiplinary paper unites cultural criticism with mathematical analysis. We use data science techniques to create network visualizations of the character interactions in "Game of Thrones." We then evaluate these results within the conventions of dramatic storytelling. For analysis of every book and every season of the HBO television show, see my Network of Thrones website.